Sep 9, 2011

Why Women Dump Men - Top Reasons you Probably Didn't Know

By Clay Andrews

Are the women the ones that decide to break up the relationship? Women can be very mysterious and its hard to understand what they thinking. However, if you are asking yourself why women dump men, here are some reasons that might answer your question.

Why Women Dump Men - You're Ignoring Her

Have you been too busy with life that you don't spend enough time with your girlfriend? Your girlfriend might decide to leave you if she doesn't see or feel you making enough effort to be with her. No matter how patient your girlfriend is, there will be a time when she gets impatient and decides that enough is enough. It is important to make time with your girl no matter how jam-packed your day is. When she starts to feel neglected then chances are she will look for someone else who will be there for her.

Why Women Dump Men: You Don't Aim to Excel

Women go for men who have ambitions in life. Are you fond of the sofa and would rather watch life through the television? If you're this type of person, then your girlfriend may be turned off. Women find male go-getters to be irresistible. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, get out of the house and start working for the things you want in life. Self-improvement is something everyone can benefit from. As there certain aspects of your life that needs to be changed? Do you need to change careers? Maybe its time you catch up on your education or maybe sign up for the local gym? Establish your goals and do everything necessary to get them. One of the biggest reasons why women dump men is because they don't strive hard enough for their future.

Why Women Dump Men: You Don't Make Her Feel Pretty

Women always want their men to think of them as beautiful and attractive. If you don't praise your girlfriend enough and often criticize her then be ready for her to dump you! Women need to know that their men LOVE them. When was the last time you flattered your girlfriend? There are different reasons why women dump men with each situation being different.

If you can answer her needs in the physical and emotional sense, she would most likely stay in the relationship. Simply put, you must be concerned with all her needs in the relationship.

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