Sep 9, 2011

Why Women Dump Men - Top Reasons you Probably Didn't Know

By Clay Andrews

Are the women the ones that decide to break up the relationship? Women can be very mysterious and its hard to understand what they thinking. However, if you are asking yourself why women dump men, here are some reasons that might answer your question.

Why Women Dump Men - You're Ignoring Her

Have you been too busy with life that you don't spend enough time with your girlfriend? Your girlfriend might decide to leave you if she doesn't see or feel you making enough effort to be with her. No matter how patient your girlfriend is, there will be a time when she gets impatient and decides that enough is enough. It is important to make time with your girl no matter how jam-packed your day is. When she starts to feel neglected then chances are she will look for someone else who will be there for her.

Why Women Dump Men: You Don't Aim to Excel

Women go for men who have ambitions in life. Are you fond of the sofa and would rather watch life through the television? If you're this type of person, then your girlfriend may be turned off. Women find male go-getters to be irresistible. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, get out of the house and start working for the things you want in life. Self-improvement is something everyone can benefit from. As there certain aspects of your life that needs to be changed? Do you need to change careers? Maybe its time you catch up on your education or maybe sign up for the local gym? Establish your goals and do everything necessary to get them. One of the biggest reasons why women dump men is because they don't strive hard enough for their future.

Why Women Dump Men: You Don't Make Her Feel Pretty

Women always want their men to think of them as beautiful and attractive. If you don't praise your girlfriend enough and often criticize her then be ready for her to dump you! Women need to know that their men LOVE them. When was the last time you flattered your girlfriend? There are different reasons why women dump men with each situation being different.

If you can answer her needs in the physical and emotional sense, she would most likely stay in the relationship. Simply put, you must be concerned with all her needs in the relationship.

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3 Causes Why Marriages Result In Divorce - Are You Making Any of These Mistakes?

By Sarah Scott

Don't Let Boredom Ruin Your Marriage

Biologically, humans pick a partner for about 7 years before switching partners. Many couples find themselves growing bored with their spouse and finally grow distant with one another. Unless you and your spouse are introspective, and understand that the base of good relationships relies on each person's perception of the world, other people and themselves-- then your wedding might be headed for heartache.

Many couples who divorced say they grew apart because they did not take a bit of time to cultivate their relationship every day. Marriage is tough work. Due to everyday strains from work, college, children and can be truly difficult to take time out of your day to enjoy your time and connect to your other half.

You may not even notice that you're not satisfying your spouse's needs. You and your spouse loved each other at one point until negative emotions from stress got in the way. You can change the result of your marriage if you really and truthfully wish to change it.

Any wedding can be saved if both couples are committed to making it work. Couples who face adversity with bravery, strength and persistency can beat any challenges that dares to destroy their marriage. Your marriage will not always be as blissful as you would like but you can have a flourishing and successful partnership with your other half. Fight for your relationship fight it as if your fighting for your life. After all , you married your spouse with the intent of growing old together, that deserves a fighting chance, right?

Make Sure The Two Of You Win In All Your Fights

Great communication is an ability that many of us aren't born with. It requires practice to effectively and definitely express your thoughts and feelings. That's the reason why so many couples who divorce have a hard time communicating to one another (without it leading to a full blown fight). There are many people who hold their emotions in causing their feelings to worsen and before they truly express themselves. Holding your feelings in always result in being more destructive to your marriage in the longer term.

Are You and Your Partner Sexually Compatible?

Research have shown that many couples sex drive's strength is very similar to couples who are about ten years apart. Many couples nowadays are only a few years apart and once they have hit 30, it's common their sex drive to lower or they become sexually incompatible. If you and your spouse are having problems in the bedroom now, it may worsen over the course of the years unless you two do something positive about it now.

Relationship takes a lot of effort to keep the love flowing between you and your other half. There will be days your faith in love may be shattered but remember that if you cultivate the foundations of your relationship, nothing can break you two apart.

In order to save a failing marriage, you must work on your mindset to improve your relationship. Check out what Relationship Advice has to offfer!

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Sep 7, 2011

Q&A: Is my Girlfriend Losing Interest being With Me?

By Clay Andrews

If you happen to be a guy and mulling over "is my girlfriend losing interest in me or our relationship?" then I have to say I'm impressed.

You see a lot of guys don't really bother with relationship problems until they become too big to be ignored. Following are the most common queries asked regarding the subject.

Q: Is my girlfriend losing interest if she has a new male friend? A: Although this isn't 100% true, some women tend to jump from one relationship to the next without too much "single life" in between. If she has this new "friend" which raises your suspicion then be very careful with the relationship. She might be ready to break up with you and merely testing the waters with a new guy.

Q: Is my girlfriend losing interest if she starts getting angry at me all the time? A: One of the things you should be on the alert for is if your girlfriend is starting to resent you. Resentment can be a very good indicator if a relationship will die down according to Dr. John Gottman of the University of Washington. Does your girlfriend act rude towards you all the time for no apparent reason Criticism is OK as long as you know where the limits are.

Q: Is my girlfriend losing interest if she refused making love with me? A: Something must be way off in this situation. There are actually very strong connections between desire and what a woman feels for you. If you have done something to damage her trust then be assured that her desire for you will also weaken. This could also mean that she is rethinking about the wisdom of staying in a relationship with you. Of course, there are other factors that you must consider during this situation. It's also possible that she is struggling with personal problems that are in no way related to you.

Q: What should be done if girlfriend is losing interest? A: If you think your relationship is about to end then this would be a good time to sit down with your girlfriend and talk things through in a calm and reasonable manner. It may be difficult to tackle some of the topics happening in your relationship. Its likely that there are some things you have been deliberately avoiding to raise in a conversation. Howeve, it would be better to talk about these things now before they become a bigger complication.

Formulate the system that would work for both of you. Keep in mind that this means compromise and not one person saying "yes" to everything else. With dedication and commitment on both your parts, a stronger and much more pleasing relationship will be forged.

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Sep 6, 2011

Discover How a Trial Separation Can Make or Break Your Marriage

By Sarah Scott

Trial marriage separation permits each person to evaluate their life and where their partner fits in. It also gives them the breathing room to think about where their relationship went wrong and what they can do to fix it. Many couples date one another during their trial separation in hopes of reviving the spark in their relationship and saving the relationship.

There's a wrong way and right way to making a marriage work with a trial marriage separation. The most important thing when it comes to a trial separation is that you and your spouse are always communicating with each other. A trial marriage separation is not a "get out of marriage" card. You and your partner need to frequently work as a couple to make sure you each are taking the necessary steps to working out your marriage. It's really important you and your other half sets up a time to meet every other week or so to catch up on things. Many couples choose to see a marriage therapist at this time and (statistically) it significantly increase the odds of making their marriage work.

Date Nights

Try to set up nights when you both can take time and go out on dates together. This is going to help you get out of that rut you both put yourself in the past one or two years and begin seeing one another with a pair of fresh eyes. You may deal with the problem of what happened in your marriage and figure out what you as a couple can do from there to make sure it doesn't occur again. Do not use date nights as a night to forget your issues. Address your problems if the issue comes up. Remember when you go out on a date with each other, relax, be aware and fully enjoy your time with your spouse.

Set Up Limits

Before you and your other half separate, make sure it's clear for both parties involved on what the limits are. This means are you and your partner date people while separated? Can you and your other half be physically intimate together while separated?

If you need a trial marriage separation to make you relationship work, remember that commitment is essential. If you're committed to making your relationship work, you'll do everything you can for the general well-being of your marriage. If it get's to the point of where a trial marriage separation is what is needed to bring you guys closer together, then so be it. A trial marriage separation can break or make your relationship. With commitment and clear communication, a trial marriage separation might be just what you and your partner needs.

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Discover 1 Surprisingly Common Thing That Most Women Do That Pushes Their Husbands Away

By Sarah Scott

Were you aware that how you're feeling about yourself is the #1 ingredient to living a very content and satisfying life? No, it isn't the people or the objects in your life that creates happiness. People who feel most satisfied and happy outside their marriage sometimes feels good about the present state their marriage is in.

You and your partner were satisfied once, right?

At one time, when your relationship with your other half started to worsen, something shifted. It wasn't your feelings for each other, it wasn't what you both did or failed to do together. It was stress that contributed to the state of your relationship with your partner. When stress came into your lives, it caused negative and toxic emotions.

What you want to do is change how you are feeling about yourself from the inside out. I'm not saying, changing your physical appearance, even though it may help boost your level of confidence. What I mean is you need to find your self-worth. How do you feel about yourself at this moment? You most likely lack self-worth, you do not know if your man loves you and you feel horrible within.

Find some way you can calm your internal self find your center and feel empowered. Feel empowerment to change your life, your relationship with your husband and the love you are feeling for yourself. When you are feeling love from the inside out, you become exquisite. And this is what gets you your hubby back. Radiance.

When a woman feels beautiful from the inside out, she pulls people to her.

So question the is, how do you get that special "something" to light you up from the inside out?

What you decide to focus on will impact your perception in life and your feelings. People who feel bad or have any type of destructive feelings is is because they're concentrating on what they do not want.

You know those people, who always see their cups half full rather than half empty...these people chances of living a more happy and fuller life are 100 times larger than people who don't see life that way.

Instead of concentrating on it raining outside and how it's dampening your mood, concentrate on how it's possible for you to enjoy a quiet or comfortable day at home with your family. Instead of focusing on what you don't want, concentrate on something positive in your life.

Create a appreciation journal and write down what you're thankful for today. Perhaps this is something that you and your hubby can do together, before you guys head off to bed each night, tell each other what you are thankful for that day.

With continued effort and practice, you and your husband can be well on the way to seeing the grass isn't greener on the other side of the fence, but greener on your side too.

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Is Your Relationship On a Slippery Slope Because Your Wife Does Not Feel Loved?

By Sarah Scott

Now that your married, you do not feel as if you have to try really hard. If you don't show or tell your spouse how much you cherish her daily, chances are you're giving her lots of room to question your love. If you do let her know that you cherish her everyday and she still does not feel love, it's safe to say that she speaks a different love language than you.

Does Your Other half Need Confirmations to Feel Loved?

You can express your love to your wife by informing her how much she means the world to you. Other verbal expressions of love can be along the lines of "I love your cooking" and "out of every person in my life, you actually are the one I love most." When you use words to show somebody you adore them, add more depth and conviction to your words. Rather than informing her "I love you," also tell her WHY you cherish her. Many women who wants words of confirmations also want reasons why you feel that way. It will come off as more genuine and truthful when you let her know how you feel and give her a reason which explains why.

Does Your Other half Need Special Time Spent With You to Feel Loved?

All good relationships need quality to together to cultivate their love. This implies you take the time out of your busy day to spend time with her. Whether it's a charming dinner, walking at night, playing a game of chess together or other activities that the two of you can enjoy to do together.

When you spend time together, you are permitting open communication with your better half. When you and your spouse can speak without reservation and listen to each other, you are reinforcing your relationship.

Is Receiving Gifts Your Wife's Love Language?

People who see gift giving as an act of love aren't gold digging urchins. What comes to mind to a lot of people about present giving as an act of love is that you can't buy love. Well, for many people, the idea of giving is an expression of love and appreciation. Regardless of how much the price of the present (it may be a picked dandelion) your better half will connect that object to your expression of love. To your better half, your expression of love is more valuable than the object itself.

Does Your Spouse Desire Physical Touch To Feel Loved?

When referring to physical touch it's not just sexual intimacy I'm making reference to. If your wife loves to cuddle, kiss, snuggle, have her hair played with or hold hands in public, her first love language is touch. It's the feeling of being physically close to you that makes her feel loved.

Remember that many people have more than 1 primary love language. If you don't figure out exactly what is needed for your better half to feel loved, your relationship and relationship is in trouble.

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3 Things That Successful Couples Do to Keep Their Relationship Thriving

By Sarah Scott

Having Practical Expectations

Many marriages these days have one individual with high expectations for their spouse. Some high expectations are so high that you are setting your spouse up to fail. These are some common high expectations that many individuals have for their other half or relationship.

-In a successful marriage, there isn't any conflicts at all

-My partner will know precisely what is on my mind without me having to say anything

-Our relationship will forever be exciting, romantic, and full of excitment (just like in the movies)

-My spouse will always cook me dinner when I come back home from work

-My better half will always do things that may please me

-My partner will always need to spend each waking moment with me

These are some common relationship expectations that couples regularly make in a marriage. Do any of these seem realistic? Remember that by having high expectations for your spouse, you are setting them up to fail. Nobody is flawless. While acknowledging that there is no such thing as a perfect relationship. Marriage takes hard work and effort to keep the love alive in your relationship. Reevaluate your expectations with your partner. Are they too high? Are they realistically possible? If so , your unreasonable expectations could be hurting your marriage.

Can You Make Compromises?

Do you and your spouse make compromises? Being able to make compromises is important when it comes to a good relationships. Your spouse can't always be the one bending backwards for you without you giving anything in return. This could mean anything from who's turn it is to choose the movie, pick the toppings on the pizza to sacrificing your time to do your spouse's best liked pastimes. Successful couples make sacrifices for each other because they love one another. Ensure that each individual in a marriage is making compromises.

Do You Help Your Spouse Foster Their Self image?

Some people may not notice how unsupportive they're until it's too late. Does your spouse have a dream or a goal and you're not being supportive? There's nothing more critical for a husband or a woman to have their love one by their side when they are going through a new and scary part in their life. Do you cheer your partner on when he or she wishes it the most? Your support will help your other half build confidence and self confidence. Keeping a lookout for each other's general well-being is so critical when it comes having a successful relationship.

If you and your spouse have been married for quite some time, it is not rare to see couples who's hit a speed bump in their marriage. Committed relationships has it's ups and downs (and often plateaus.) It's how you respond that's so important to making it work. Keep these things mentioned above in consideration if you're going through a rough patch in your marriage. It could keep your marriage going.

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What a Husband Must Learn When It Comes To Winning Back His Other half

By Sarah Scott

Girls are finicky creatures and yet men still love them. Most of the time when a girl is angryor upset at you, it is not what you're think it's for.

It's commonly generalized in western society that women are a bag of feelings and men are pictured as giant unconcerned "oafs". Women and men can disagree on their view points of one another. I just know that males and females have different perceptions, thus different behaviors. This is when both sexes frequently appear to bump heads.

Many times, your wife won't communicate what she precisely feels and when you can't guess right what she's thinking, then you are in the "dog house." This is when you should begin to practice being more mindful of what is actually going on around you. Does your other half do a lot of things for you that may be overlooked?

Here's where coming into awareness can really help you "wake up" to no matter what your wife feels you are not ignoring. When you both come back home from work, do you kick your feet up and relax while she prepares dinner, put the kids to bed, do mundane chores and clean the house? What you need to do is help her feel cherished, loved, appreciated and valued.

Be conscious of the things she does for you, even if you should happen to feel they're minor (like folding your underwear).

Keep in mind there are 3 things that most women desire.

1. Love in their lives.

They want to feel loved and cherished. Okay, everyone knows that deep down inside, girls like to be loved. They get romantic notions of being swept off her feet. Everyone has a different perception of what romance looks like but show your spouse your romantic side. It doesn't need to be grand like what you see on television. Again, the media doesn't help when it comes to practical views of love. You could be surprised at how a little romantic gesture can melt her up.

2. Feeling part of a great journey

Whatever you and your wife's story is, she wants to feel valued and cherished. Whether you and your wife's life consist of raising 3 kids and both work full time careers or traveling around the planet, your wife wants to feel appreciated and valued. When was the last time you embraced your better half and told her many thanks or that she is vital to you? If It's it hasbeen a long time, you should start today and begin showing your appreciation.


3. To make beauty.

Why do women put on makeup or wear adornments take up yoga, meditate, and stress about their weight? Because women need to feel beautiful on the outside as well as on the inside. Do you help your better half feel attractive or at the very least tell her so? Do you give her compliments on how she looks or perhaps recognize the new outfit she's sporting? If not, this is another example of not being in awareness with your other half.

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Shocking Ways of How to Get a Girl Back that You Love

By Clay Andrews

Did your girlfriend break up with your recently? If you have been dealing with a break up for the past months or weeks, this is definitely a tough time for you. If you want to find out how to get a girl back that you love, following are some effective ways to do it.

One thing you have to understand is that you have no control over your ex's emotions which means that there's nothing you can do or say to get her back. However, you are still capable of controlling one thing and this thing will be a powerful ally in helping you get her back. That useful thing is yourself.

How to Get a Girl Back That You Love: Cultivate Love

You are basically demanding that your ex notice you whenever you call for her attention.When you demand, chances are you're not going to get the reply that you want. Have you even been on the receiving end of a demand? It's a very annoying task for you. You actually become desperate once you start demanding for something. This is why getting your ex back in your life necessitates using the No Contact Rule.

Needing your girlfriend back in your life basically translates to you depending on her for happiness. This means putting a tremendous amount of pressure on her. The moment the two of you became a couple, your sole goal was to spend as much time with each other. Now that she has left you, you're hoping to get her back so that everything would feel all right again.

When you need a person, you are basically depending on them for all your happiness. Wanting someone is different as it means that if you can't have that person, you'll still be fine.

How to Get a Girl Back That You Love: Go from Needing to Wanting

The only way to stop needing someone and merely wanting them is if you focus on something within your control. Break ups often cause a person to feel disturbed or chaotic. Some people will have problems with their self esteem after a major break up episode.

Instead of working too hard on how to get a girl back that you love, try focusing on your life and see how it can be improved. Is there a part of your life that could benefit on some developments? Some plans and goals are usually set aside when people concentrate too much on a budding relationship.

Work on reconnecting with your family and friends. They can help out with you during this tough time as well bring some cheer into your life. Do you need to burn off some pounds? Or maybe you need to find a more satisfying job for yourself? Take advantage of your single time and improve on yourself. You now have control over your life and the only person who can change it for the better is yourself.

Once you find yourself feeling better, it would be easy to attract your ex back in your life.

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Sep 5, 2011

4 Ways You Have Not Thought Could Help Your Marriage

By Sarah Scott

Do you envy other couple's marital delight, especially after you've learned that they have been together for as long as you and your other half? What do these couples have that you do not have? These couples in happy and thriving relationship follow these 4 things.

The Importance of Focus

You may not realize that what you concentrate on is vital to having a happy and thriving life. Your thoughts create your emotions and your feelings create strategies on how to act and behave. What you decide to concentrate on will change your perception about life. Instead of focusing on what you do not want to take place in your marriage, try concentrating on what you want as an alternative. Start off by creating a gratitude book and write down everything positive about your partner and your relationship every day. Successful couple's chronically concentrate on the good in their lives and relationship rather than the bad.

See It From Your Spouse's Point of View

Most times when couples argue a good deal , it is due to the fact their trying to prove to their spouse that their point of view is right and their spouse's isn't right. When you're feeling a heated debate brewing, make the effort to see it from your spouse's viewpoint. Even if you do not agree with what they are trying to convey take a second and attempt to see the situation in their shoes. This way, you will have a clearer understanding of where they are coming from, permitting the two of you to discover a better answer to the problem.

Accept and Appreciate Your Spouse

Another thing that many marriages suffer is they are not in acceptance and appreciative of their spouse. When I say appreciating, I mean not thanking them for the things they've done (which would also help provide benefits to you). When you appreciate somebody, you aren't putting certain expectations on them but appreciating them for who they may be. Many occasions when we're not accepting our spouse, we set our selves up for disappointments. Your partner is someone with their own dreams, feelings, fears and inabilities. Remember, he or she is their own person also. Sometimes, we forget to share humanity with the individual we're with.

Don't Resist

When things happen to us, it's easy for us to resist it. When we are resisting something, we often add needless pain. It doesn't mean that you should not feel the emotions you're experiencing, but just let everything that O.K. Do not fight it. Couples who often argue, they have a hard time accepting whatever occurred be okay. This does not mean you should not reject your emotions but try to be more of a "yes" to the situation rather than a "no." You'll soon realize that resisting a situation takes a lot more of your energy.

Our relationships take a lot of work. When it's struggling our marriage can take a toll on our mentality and mindset--leaving us with little self esteem or confidence. Discover how The Path to Passion can help you gain self worth and confidence during a difficult time in your life.

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