Nov 5, 2011

Who Else Wants To Know 4 Different Ways To Help A Marriage Thrive?

By Sarah Scott

Remember that you married the man or woman of your dreams. Why else would you commit to if you were not sure your other half was "the one?" It is extremely common for many people's relationship to plateau after they are married. It does not mean that your relationship is over.

Just like with life, we all have our ups and downs. Same goes with our marriage and relationships. There'll be days that reminds you why you married your spouse and there'll be days that makes you question if this is what you really wanted.

Many folks go into a marriage (especially women) expecting the relationship to be on "fire" all of the time. That right there is a unrealistic expectation. The person whom you selected to co-habitat with in a committed relationship is not perfect and neither are you. If you have certain expectations on what a perfect marriage looks like, let it go because there is no such thing as a perfect marriage. Marriage will take work and effort to keep each person happy and satisfied. Here are 4 good habits to get into to help your marriage flourish.

1. Share Experiences Together (Whether Or Not It Is Not Your Thing) We have our differences. We may love doing one thing where as our partner may hate it. Try showing an interest in what your other half likes. I am not implying you have to love it but it is nice to take interest in each other's past-times. You may be slightly taken aback at how much fun your having at something you thought you hated. Remember the couple who plays together, laughs together.

2. Make a Routine Out of Connecting Together

Life can be particularly hectic. That's why it's even more vital to make time out of your day to connect with your other half. Talk it up with your spouse. Couples who chitchat about little things typically have an easier time debating about the crucial things than others who've got a much tougher time bringing up the issue.

3. Write In Your Book

You will be stunned at how writing in a journal can control your anger. When you're upset about something, cool down by writing in your journal. Writing about your emotions is a great way to let go of bad emotions instead of taking it out on your other half.

Many times, stress from life puts us in a bad mood. Instead of snapping at your partner, decompress your emotions in your journal. When your irritated and angry at the world, it's so simple to snap at the ones we love.

4. Publicly Praise Your Other Half

When you are out with a bunch of friends or have people around you, praise your other half. It's wonderful to hear compliments about yourself from other folks. Think how amazing it would feel to hear your partner brag about you in front of others. Nurture your spouse's self-esteem. Words of praise can bear as much weight as the malicious words that causes scars.

When you are out with a bunch of pals or have folk around you, praise your partner. It's great to hear compliments about yourself from other people. Think how amazing it might feel to hear your spouse brag about you in front of others. Nurture your spouse's self-confidence. Words of praise can bear as much weight as the hurtful words that causes scars.

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Nov 4, 2011

What Part Does A Church Play In How To Save Your Marriage?

By Will Scott

Many of the religions around the globe view marriage as a sacred establishment that's the basis of the family. It is very important in these religions to make strenuous efforts feasible to save a marriage when it appears to be in difficulty.

The question that often arises, though, is how to save your marriage.

Even the very best of marriages will have their bad moments and nowadays there does seem to be more divorce than there once was many years back. The roles of males and females have changed considerably over the years.

Monetary pressures these days are tons more intense and children appear to have more behaviour issues than previously. These all put some pressure onto a marriage and some will struggle to get thru it.

So what do you do if your marriage is in chaos?

The church is one good starting point if your marriage needs help, after all the church does value the importance of marriage very highly.

Sure there are family therapists, marriage counselors or clinical psychologists you can visit but many of these will take on an individualistic approach to the therapy. A pastor or church advisor on the other hand will take a rather more wholistic approach which should have a much better likelihood of success.

Is there an advantage to seeing a pastoral counselor rather than a secular therapist?

A secular specialist has been educated in their field but their studies is just about only on treating individuals. Even those consultants who specialize in marriage and family care have only had maybe a class or elective in how to deal with couple's care. Because of their shortage of education for a family as a whole this approach is not invariably the best.

On the other hand, a pastoral counselor is educated with the purpose of helping couple's work thru their difficulties and brings them closer together. A preacher has the belief that once the vows of marriage are taken the marriage should be until death with the exception of an abusive relationship.

Many pastoral advisors have gone through formal education for counseling and even those that don't have a formal degree will take some seminars and classes on this subject.

If you do not attend church regularly then you may not have a priest already at hand to help you. Some churches may require membership before you can approach the pastor for such counseling.

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Nov 3, 2011

3 Ways You Are Setting Your Relationship Up To Fail

By Sarah Scott

Your relationship with your spouse should be cultivated every day. You and your spouse have to do all that you can to keep the love between you both alive. Make sure you avoid doing these things below if you'd like a harmonious, thriving, satisfying and loving marriage.

1. Overcommitment to Curricular Activities and Stress

Though it could be possible (many busy people can still have a thriving marriage) but extensive and intense activities outside your marriage can deteriorate your relationship with your spouse. Young couples, particularly, have a difficult time balancing school, children, starting a business, reconstructing their home, and work in their relationship. Many marriages fall to pieces when both couples are too busy to spend time together and cultivate their relationship. This doesn't suggest that you shouldn't do things outside your marriage. Just be sure to find a healthy balance between the activities in your life outside your marriage and time with your partner.

Can you think what life would look like for a husband who spends more time at work than he does with his other half? If he does not cultivate the bond he has with his other half on a day-to-day basis, his other half is more likely to build resentment and loneliness (particularly if he's too exhausted to connect when he gets home). It's vital to take time out of your day to connect on a rewarding level with your other half.

2. Are Your Fulfilling Your Spouse's Desires?

Are you a giver or taker? If a relationship consist of 2 takers, their relationship is going to suffer. Selfishness has no place in a relationship. Be conscious of your spouse's desires as well as they ought to be aware with yours. A marriage where both couples highest desires are met will overcome any adversity that dares to threaten their marriages. On the other hand, two givers in a marriage are prepared to have a successful and thriving relationship. Most marriages that fail are usually due to one (if not both) partner is not meeting their spouse's needs. Think about, do you believe a couple who satisfies each other's emotional and physical desires have many problems in their relationship?

3. Have You Got Unrealistic Expectations

Many couples go into a marriage with a certain expectation that only sets up their spouse to fail. Women are culprits when it comes to this. Many ladies have high expectations of their partner. The majority of these high expectations are from what they've learned through the media. These women have predetermined romantic ideas of what their marriage should be. Some partners do this too. Instead they have expectations of a domesticated wife who will do all the cooking, cleaning and household chores in the house. Ensure your expectations are realistic. Your not living in a fantasy world where your life is a movie. You are only setting yourself up for major disappointment if you do not keep your expectations on a realistic level.

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Nov 2, 2011

How to Get My Ex to Want Me Back Like I Want Them!

By Clay Andrews

Breakups trigger internal turmoil in a lot of people.

When somebody we love opts to leave the relationship because the vain effort to make it work, it can be really devastating.

The only thing that can satisfy you right now is your ex entering that door or calls to say they were wrong.

It can happen so keep reading if you wonder how to get your ex to want you back.

Q: I've tried all that I can to get my ex's attention. Nothing seems to be effective. Advise me how to get my ex to want me back as much as I want him back! What's wrong with the things I' doing?

A: Bear in mind first that you can't control your ex's feelings, thoughts or emotions.

Trying to get your ex to feel a certain way about you will just cause you more pain and suffering, in other words. Instead of demanding for their attention, attract your ex back. Demanding for their attention by continuously contacting them will push your ex away.

Your ex needs time for themselves to reflect on life. If you keep contacting them, they can't get clarity. Even if you've committed all the errors already, apply the No Contact Rule to get your ex back at once.

Q: I badly want my ex back in my life! I desperately need to get my ex back. I wanna know precisely how to get my ex to want me back. I've already done the No Contact Rule and made myself busy, but what am I doing wrong?

A: It appears that you're doing everything right except for a thing.

You're in the wrong way of thinking to attract your ex or anything constructive in your life. Before, you just wanted your ex, but now you NEED your ex back in your life.

You're entirely depending on them to make you happy when you need someone. You and your ex both wanted each other when you got together for the first time, not needed each other.

You need to keep working on your self-improvement. Do the things that makes you happy. By accomplishing goals and reaching small successes, you're achieving more self-worth and confidence. Moreover, you should focus more on what you want instead of what you don't have. You're heading in a positive direction when you focus intently on what you are trying to achieve and the benefits of it. You're running away from something without a direction in mind if you concentrate on what you don't want. Rather than asking yourself "how to get my ex to want me back", you must ask yourself what you can do to get your situation better and make you feel better.

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Save My Marital life - Prevent Divorce by 5 Proactive Guidelines

By Belle Smith

When you said "I do" on your wedding day, you purchased yourself a ticket for a roller-coaster ride that is stoppable by death alone. You will go through both exhilarating and sickening periods, bad and good times and bold and cowardly days. Once you and your partner become unwilling to go through the down times, you're relationship will be in crisis. Otherwise, your marriage will suffer and worse, you might eventually break up.

To refrain from asking, "How will I save my marriage?" don't be reactive in mending the issues in your relationship. Below are five guidelines on how to carry out this positive approach.

Marriage requires communication.

Communication must be a two-way street in marriage. Sharing each other's dreams, wishes, fears and insights is the best way to connect. However, it would be ineffective if you fail to grasp the exact message of your spouse. Listen with your ears and eyes because the real message lies beyond the words. The body language will tell you what the words couldn't.

Marriage needs healthy silence.

When rage and depression dominate you, you tend to blurt out hurtful statements. When you find yourself in this kind of situation, just be quiet. Let the negative energy leave you first before you initiate a conversation. As you think silently, reflect on how you can convey your ideas without hurting your partner's feelings.

Don't let the fire die.

Spend quality time with your partner on a regular basis. If you have kids, you can ask your parents or friends to look after them for a couple of hours. Continue doing things you enjoyed before you settled down. Don't stop sending love notes, exchanging gifts and throwing surprises. Tell your partner your love hasn't changed a bit. Little things like these can prevent you from experiencing the difficult save-my-marriage battle.

Marriage means compromising.

You will have disagreements with your partner once in a while. You want to order steak but he/she asserts sweet and sour fish. You feel like exercising together but he/she is too tired for it. You want to enroll your son in a private institution but he/she thinks you can't afford the tuition. When you have different opinions and preferences, make a compromise. Reach an agreement and gladly fulfill whatever your deal is.

Marriage is an investment.

Treat your marriage like it's a business you own. If you're responsible for it, you'll try out all the options to nurture it. You will continually assess the situation, examine the problems and foresee the threats to keep it from failing. You will celebrate its strengths and milestones too. If you treat it like an investment, you will prioritize it more than anything else.

Don't wait for your marriage to get miserable to deserve your attention. Give your union ample attention, address your and your partner's needs and resolve your relationship issues to prevent any save-my-marriage battle.

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Nov 1, 2011

How to Stop Your Divorce and Save Your Relationship

By Cheryl Pierce

If you desire to stop divorce, you have to convince the person who wants to divorce you to give the relationship another try. This isn't always possible, but it's utterly necessary if you have a chance of stopping a divorce. A divorce can be stopped at almost any stage-before it's filed or just before it needs the concluding paperwork. The sooner you stop a divorce, the more likely it is that the divorce won't be restarted, at least not anytime soon.

So to stop a divorce, you must convince the person to give the relationship another chance. If you have been begging the other person to give you another try or pleading for them to get back together with you, stop now. This might seem counterproductive, as if now that the person has less resistance it will make it easier for them to divorce you. But your pleading probably wasn't doing anything but convincing them that divorce is a good idea anyway. Who wants to be around a person who is carrying on that way?

If you can start acting more mature and behave in a more pleasant manner, it might surprise the other person and help stop divorce. Explain that you really don't want the divorce and you desire another chance in a calm way. The person already recognizes this so you screaming or carrying on won't help your chances. Just make it clear that you're hurt and very sad, and you really want another chance. You might be surprised how the other person reacts when you change your behavior.

You can also show a mature side of yourself that the other person might not have seen over the last several weeks and suggest marital or couples counseling to stop divorce. Counseling has worked for millions of couples and your relationship could benefit from it too. If you can get the other person to agree to couples counseling, then you have precious time before they file for or attempt to finalize a divorce to convince them to give you and the relationship another chance.

During counseling you'll have the opportunity to show the person why they fell in love with you. You can remind them why you're together in the first place. And if you can show honest attempts in wanting to deal with the problems that come up during the counseling-and many plausibly will-that might be enough to convince the other person not only to stop divorce temporarily, but permanently.

When you win and stop divorce, you must remember that the person was about to divorce you and it would be easy enough for them to change his or her mind and file for divorce later. Having already thought about divorce and maybe even having gone far enough as to file for divorce at one time makes the decision to file again easier. So be aware of the state of your relationship, and perhaps continue counseling. It's easier to stop divorce temporarily than to have a good relationship for the long term.

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Oct 31, 2011

A Divorce Choice May Be For You

By Charlie Breckenford

Divorce is by no means an straightforward choice to make in life. It really is the end of your marriage and the end of that chapter in your life. It is not some thing to be taken lightly and demands plenty of thought prior to moving forward with it.

So how do you know if a divorce option is correct? Well, there are many different causes that folks get divorced and in case you are even reading this article you're possibly considering getting a divorce. But just before you do that, you may need to stop and think of whether or not a divorce may be the correct choice for you personally.

Your marriage may possibly be suffering difficulties, but could also be repaired if you wish to try and fix your relationship. You have to reflect on your marriage and choose if it can be saved, or if it has now gone up in flames. There are several issues you ought to look into when considering divorce.

1. If either you or your significant other has committed infidelity, this might result in divorce. If this has occurred then you have to stop and think about what you need. If your partner has cheated on you, first decide whether or not or not you'll be able to forgive them or if it might be best to just end it now.

If you had been the one that had the affair then you should be honest with yourself and determine what to do. If it was a one time mistake, and you genuinely want to save your marriage then you need to take the required steps. However, should you truly have lost interest with your partner, then a divorce option is possibly best.

2. Abuse is also a cause for divorce. Whether or not it's physical or emotional, abuse is abuse. And an abusive relationship is not a healthy one. In the event you feel there's still hope you need to take steps in resolving the problem. Make an effort to see a counselor and work through your issues. But if you find this just isn't possible, then you should get out of your marriage. Remaining in an abusive relationship won't do you any good.

3. If your partner is suffering from some sort of addiction which has a negative impact on you, this may also be a reason for divorce. Whether it's gaming or drugs, addictions may have a unfavorable influence on not just them, but you also. If they refuse to obtain assistance or refuse to alter, you should possibly leave the partnership. Dealing with a person who has an addiction and refuses to get aid could be very challenging, and just isn't beneficial for you personally.

No matter why you need a divorce, only you understand your circumstances. No one can tell you a divorce choice that's correct for you. Only you'll be able to determine which option is best. Take a really good prolonged look at your marriage and whether or not it can be saved. Nonetheless, if you want out, then get out. Ultimately, your happiness is what is most important.

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