Apr 8, 2011

Good Luck - Bad Luck

By Margaret Hardisty

While riding in the Tour de France, Lance Armstrong was talking about trouble he and his team had on one occasion, which mentioned bad luck numerous times. I've always had an aversion to the word luck whether it's associated with bad or good. I suppose it was coined with the idea that's similar to what some of us say today: Life happens .Some things are simply out of our control.

The term bad luck has a flat out negative connotation, though, with the sentiment that, in a given situation, nothing can be changed, so it's better to shrug your shoulders and forget it - or acknowledge that you got a raw deal and someone ought to pay. The issue is, too many don't forget it and prefer to dwell on the raw deal part that eats away at their sense of wellbeing and happiness - sometimes for the remainder of their lives. They seek revenge.

Lots of things that happen to us, that are counted as bad luck, aren't that at all and we might as well stop trying to blame someone or something else and demand that others make it okay for us again. Most unpleasant things that happen to us as individuals are because we make bad choices.

It happens in marriage. A guy hooks up with his dream girl and she turns out not to be a dream, instead she turns out to be a nightmare. A woman adores the guy she teams up with and then discovers that there isn't much there to adore after all. Neither case is one of bad luck. Just a bad choice.

The human psyche is such that we can be very generous and forgiving - of ourselves - but very blaming and condemning of a spouse. The flaws in our mates glare out at us while our own faults take on a sugar coating. What would you say is the cause of that? Among other things, if we are honest with ourselves, we have to admit they come from immaturity, selfishness, spitefulness, past experiences - and more. Perhaps what we consider as bad luck or as bad choices in a marriage, then, is simply that we aren't living up to the responsibilities we should be to live as good wives or good husbands.

"The Hardisty's worked with hundreds of married couples. They've discovered many things over the years, but one is this: Most marriages, if both husband and wife are inclined to act maturely and unselfishly and change the route on which they've been walking, can be saved, improved, strengthened and made into a bit of heaven on earth.

They've seen so many success stories, along with Vance and his wife, and have prepared an entire system for men and another for women as well - of all ages - who want a peaceful, loving, fulfilling marriage. It's a Love Relationship System that twirls them around in the midst of their unhappiness like Dorothy in the flick, Wizard of Oz when she was caught up in a hurricane. Dorothy landed in the Land of Oz. Husbands and wives who follow our system land in a new and beautiful experience of love and appreciation of their partners.

James Dyson failed 5,126 times before he had an executable vacuum cleaner that didn't need bags to filter dust. You've seen the results of that - or perhaps you have one. The Dyson vacuums are those that are decorated in outrageously bright colors and seemingly, they're everywhere. He worked for five years around the clock to affirm his dream while his wife brought in the paycheck. Finally he hit pay dirt. Big time. It will not take five years for you to hit pay dirt in your marriage, and it will be worth every bit of effort you put into it. We're here to help you get rich in your love and relationship which outshines assuming material wealth a hundred percent.

Why should we care except to make a profit? We care because it's thrilling to see lives change, relationships flourish and families become strong and a mainstay of freedom. My husband for years has had the unpleasant task of assisting hundreds of clients through the divorce process as their attorney - until he decided he'd finally had it with the bickering and ugliness. Now he helps me to help countless people save their marriages rather than dissolve them. The results are so much more satisfying.

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