Dec 6, 2010

Don't Lose Hope, Save The Marriage Today

By Madalynn T. Compagna

Between the stifled tears, broken China and hoarse screaming matches, one may repeatedly find themselves questioning- how can saving a marriage benefit you? Broadly speaking, a good marriage can bring happiness and rich joy to one's life, thereby also fulfilling oneself with contentment and a purpose for living. Having said that, statistics readily indicate that while many are optimistic enough about the concept of marriage to jump the gun in the first place, exponentially increasing divorce rates have also indicated that plenty of us simply have no clue on what it takes to save the marriage and stick together in sickness and in health, till death do you part.

Regardless of what the Desperate Housewives may have told you, the best thing you can do is to keep yourself together and refrain from turning into a Drama Queen the moment your marriage goes south. While it's not a good idea to turn berserk on your significant other, it's also a very prudent choice to not turn into a pleading pile of tears and desperation, especially when they might not turn soft on your and cave in to your whims. Keep yourself in check as marriage is a lot of work, and part of keeping marriages together involves stepping around your married life boundaries while still preserving your dignity and wits.

The remedy to this problem is that when you find yourself at that situation, you need to accept that people change, and so will your spouse. The key is in rediscovering your beloved before you can fall in love with him or her again. Make the commitment to make time for each other and talk, wine and dine together just like how young couples do so that you will remember and learn new things about each other.

So now that you've stopped weeping and wringing your hands in frustration, it is time to clean yourself up and channel your extra energy (and time!) to more productive work. Consider taking up hobbies you have forsaken once you started your married life like painting, hiking or perhaps just spend a weekend away at the beach sipping Sex On the Beach while you lounge in your bikini. Such practises is not only wholesome for your body and soul, but it's also great for the relationship as spending time apart will only help both parties see the situation better.

Having said that, it surely is a lot of work to keep your marriage afloat all by yourself, so be sure to both take turns to help rebuild your relationship. Marriage counsellors will also advise you on sharing everything with your significant other, and while that may be romantic and eye-opening; the one thing you must never ever share with another person is your temper. You don't exactly need a degree in rocket science to figure out that nobody gets excited about going home to an angry, grumpy person.

Marriage is a lot of work, and it is a roller coaster of happiness and sadness. Having said that, remember that life cannot be sweet if you've never tasted bitterness, so always stay optimistic and wait for the rainbow after the storm. In other words, when it comes trying to save a marriage, the best remedy would be to find yourself first before you can rediscover what it is that made you fall in love in the first place.

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