Nov 15, 2010

Help My Marriage - Suggestions And Tips

By Areelitaha Joahlanski

It is possible to help my marriage if you are willing to take some steps to change the way you and your partner interact. You can take steps to save your marriage by yourself and you can seek help through therapy, programs and couples workshops. As anyone will tell you communication is one of the most important steps but there are other issues and things that you need to be aware of besides just communicating. Making your marriage work can become difficult when you are dealing with kids, a job and trying to be a family and partner.

Therapy is recommended as a way to help both of you communicate. Though many may have issues with telling their personal issues to an outsider sometimes that outside perspective is just what the relationship needs. You also need to make time to be with each other no matter how busy your schedule is. This is a priority and needed for all happy marriages. You also do not need to agree all the time as long as your disagreements are constructive and do not get blown out of proportion.

All marriage experts state that to help my marriage at the start of your problems will have a higher probability of saving your marriage then waiting several years, unhappy years, in which you two are having issues. There is nothing the matter with getting help to maintain a healthy relationship with your partner. Though everyone states that communication is important you don't need to share everything with your spouse. This is particularly relating to issues and problems. Do not harp on every little thing that annoys you but focus on the large issues. Editing your conversation can be very constructive when solving problems.

If you have an issue and want to bring it up with your partner then it is suggested that the tone of voice you use is very important. Those that begin an issue gently and not casting blame can easily avoid an argument versus those that are confrontational and critical. Also the level of tolerance you have for behaviour is important. Most newly weds have high standards but those that are able to accept hurtful behaviour, as it will happen, are the ones that are happier in the long run.

A tip for men in a relationship is to accept influence. It has been found that women do this naturally but men, not so much. The next time your wife asks for help and you have plans it will go a long way to help her. You do not always have to change your plans all the time, but by doing this some of the time your wife or partner will greatly appreciate the help. Learning how to exit an argument before it escalates to large is important. Individuals in healthy relationships know how to keep the argument from getting out of hand.

Some successful tips to exiting the argument before it goes overboard include using humor, making it clear you are on common ground, backing down, offering signs of appreciation, changing to topic to something unrelated and stroking your partner with a caring remark. You also need to focus on the bright side and discuss your problems. It is important to make a lot of positive statements to your partner. To help my marriage you will need to take a hard look at your relationship and the changes needed.

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