Jul 19, 2011

How You Win Your Ex Back

By Isaac Wood

If you are considering how to get your ex back then it is best for you to exercise patience when you're dealing with the situation. There can often be difficulties due to the emotions that are at play for everyone concerned. It means that if you approach things in a measured fashion then this is better otherwise it's possible to damage any chances in this regard.

If you're inclined to rush to make a reunion happen right away then this is a real mistake . You are well advised in this instance to analyze how you feel and to reflect on things. When you push too much and are overly demanding all that happens is that you come across as too need which isn't a promising sign as needy people think about themselves too much and not others leading their interpersonal relationships to suffer

You cannot just simply mope around thinking over everything that has happened. If you choose to behave in this way then it is far more likely that you will appear unattractive to all including an ex. You may regret things that have occurred and have a measure of sadness in this instance but no one benefits from these being rehashed repeatedly.

People naturally are interested in others who appear comfortable with themselves and ooze natural confidence. Reveal the person that you really are and don't appear upset about what has transpired. These emotions can be saved for your alone time. It's obvious that you will have a few ups and downs but not everyone need to know what is on you mind.

When you are going through this period then you need to just get along with life while working towards your ultimate goal of getting back with them. Keep up with your social life as this allows them to see that you are getting on with things and not worried about what they are thinking. Acting in this way also helps you to take the mind away from problems that may have arisen during the split.

Having yourself being seen socializing with the opposite sex is one way in which jealousy may be triggered and has been known to spark a renewed interest. Strong emotions are at play in this regard. Try not to involve other people unnecessarily as seeing someone else for the sole purpose of bothering someone else is childish and mean.

Instead of this you have to understand why things didn't work to begin with. Speak with your friends and ask what they have to say on the matter. Without the knowledge of what happened for things not to work the first time there is every chance the second will turn out the same.

When trying to reconnect with an ex you are better off starting out as their friend. This allows you to communicate in a way in which a lot of people can't when they are a couple. You will find out more about them and what really matters to them. Also you will have fun with them just doing general activities and this will build the foundation for a deeper relationship when you become closer.

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