Oct 7, 2010

How To Get Your Ex Back

By Edward Hill

You're missing your relationship with your ex. It doesn't matter how much time has passed, you're wishing you can find a way how to get ex boyfriend to come back. It may not be has hard as you believe, you obviously have something he likes. If you remember what he liked about you and your relationship you can win him back.

Think about if you're happy when your boyfriend isn't around. If you need him in order to be happy, maybe you should work on your relationship with yourself first. No one can love you if you don't love you. If you're comfortable with yourself but you just miss your boyfriend, then show him what he's missing. Treat yourself. Get a new haircut, start working out, give yourself a manicure. Anything that inspires confidence within yourself. If he sees how much you've changed for the better without him he will want to be with you more.

If your breakup is recent, ignore your ex. Don't talk to or do things with him, don't even let on that he's still on your radar. Don't let him know you're pining over him, pretend you have too much in your life to think about him. This will make him want to win back his old part in your life.

Never ask to get back together, especially right before or when things are ending. It makes you look needy, and it won't work. If you fix things between you then he'll always hold it over you like he did you a favor. If things don't work out then at least you can take comfort in knowing you didn't beg someone who doesn't care about you.

Repress the desire to have really serious talks about the relationship. Don't hang out one-on-one yet, make every time you see him a group activity. Laugh and make sure that you seem happy and comfortable around him.

When you spend time with your ex make sure it is in a group setting, and that you only do fun things.

Bringing up old fights or disagreements from your relationship is the worst thing you can do. Always act positively when you're around your ex. Don't discuss what made your relationship go downhill. Just act like good friends and gave fun together. This will make him think about you in a positive way and will want him to seek to have more of you in his life.

Your ex fell in love with you once, so you know he has the capacity to care about you. Remember the little things he said he liked. If he liked your sense of humor, keep telling him jokes. If he liked it when you wore a certain outfit, wear it.

Apologize if you were the one who betrayed him. Never make excuses for why you did it. If you think he neglected you or somehow drove you to cheat, you had better believe things would be different when get back together, or don't bother trying. The same goes for you, if you know that you will most likely cheat on him again, don't try to get back with him, you'll just break his heart all over again and nobody deserves that.

It's hard to know just how to get ex boyfriend to come back, but there are definitely some tricks you can use to try. If you two are truly a good match, you can make it work. Good luck.

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