Feb 15, 2012

Save Your Marriage. Stop Divorce Now.

By Bobby Hangala

It is never impossible to save a marriage and stop divorce from taking place. All that is needed is for both of you to deep down value your marriage even if relations have broken down quite seriously.

Your marriage is an agreement between you and your spouse. If either of you are certain that you no longer want the marriage to continue, then that is the end of it. However, it only takes one of you to rescue the marriage from divorce. It is possible that both parties want to see a resolution to the problems but only one is able to apply the brakes and begin the process of turning things around. You should take whatever measures you can to save your marriage; your spouse will go along with you if that is what s/he really wants.

There are some common symptoms which demonstrate that a marriage is ailing. These include constant quarreling or extended periods of zero communication between you. You can work to save your marriage as soon as these alarm bells begin to sound. Don't wait for things to reach a place of irreversible breakdown. You should act especially quickly if you or your partner starts to look beyond the marriage for comfort or companionship or sexual validity.

Immediately you are aware that your marriage is in trouble, you can try to reverse the situation by being frank with your partner. You can tell him/her how you feel and how important the marriage is to you. Tell them that you want to do whatever it takes to restore your marriage. Then you should initiate practices that might be able to help. You could start doing things together as a couple; either a sporting activity, a spiritual circle or dance group may suit you.

You may need help to save your marriage. Do not be afraid to seek professional intervention. You may choose to go for marriage guidance. There are many well known organizations such as Savemymarriagetoday.com or Relate who specialize in marriage counselling.

Your partner may need some extra convincing before taking this route. However, you should attend without them if necessary. They may be able to be persuaded a little later when they see that you are committed to the process.

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